Tag Archives: hot chocolate

Peppermint Protein Hot Chocolate 

Happy Friday friends!
Been a little quiet this week over here. It was a pretty busy week and I have focusing on some other areas of life. Had a girls night, went to my Bible study group, worked on finding curtains for our master bath (and was successful!) as well as spending quality time with the hubs, some evening kick butt workouts and cooking a LOT!


Yay for new curtains!

Plus getting ready for another weekend away so yep, it’s been a busy week!

Fall weather decided to grace us with its presence a few mornings this week and even yesterday afternoon! The humidity has dropped to around 50% and it has been feeling glorious! Makes me miss the cool northern fall weather and I even put on our little firepace (minus the heat element for now…hehe)
SO of course this weeks recipe theme was perfect with the change of weather!


I am linking up with Farrah from Fairyburger, Annmarie from the Fit Foodie Mama, and Jess from Hello to Fit for our hot & festive drink themed week!


Peppermint Protein Hot Chocolate


  • 2 cups water
  • 1/2 cup carob chips plus a few to sprinkle on top
  • 1/2 TBSP raw cacao powder
  • 2 scoop unflavored Collagen Peptides
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/4 tsp peppermint extract
  • 1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk
  • 4 oz homemade whipped cream


  1. Boil water in a med saucepan then remove from heat
  2. Add in carob chips and whisk till melted/blended.
  3. Add in remaining ingredients (minus the whipped cream) and whisk well together.
  4. Pour into 2 mugs (I love using the mugs we made on our anniversary date last year!)
  5. Add a dollop of whipped cream and a sprinkle of carob chips on top


Make sure you check out all the amazing ladies and their awesome mouthwatering recipes!!

Do you have an awesome recipe you’d love to share? Link up with us on Fridays for our weekly Foodie Friday posts! (Co-hosted by AnnmarieFarrah, Esther + Jess.)

  • Please link back to the co-hosts, and comment/share at least a couple other Foodie Friday posts! Don’t just leave your link and run away! :O
  • Please only link up recipe posts! :)
  • Join us next week for some vegetarian awareness themed recipes!

Be filled with joy and health!

Foodie Friday: Frozen Mint Hot Chocolate Pops

Hello and happy Friday!  For those who were asking, we DID survive tropical storm Bill!  We got a bit of rain, but it did not seem as bad as it was predicted.  I am thankful for that!  🙂


I’m linking up again with my favorite Foodie Friday ladies to share some amazing recipes with y’all!  Farrah from Fairyburger, Annmarie from the Fit Foodie Mama, Cassandra from Powered by BLING, and Emily from Whatever Floats Your Oats!
As the weather has gotten warmer, frozen treats have been on the brain (and the tummy).  I was reminded of a funny story from a few years ago.  One of my sweet friends had a layover here and it was long enough for us to hang out a little!  Pretty much the only place to hang out in the airport without going though security is Starbucks!  Ha  So we met there!  It was winter and we both ordered hot drinks!  For some reason the barista made my friend a FROZEN hot chocolate!  We were both so confused!  Neither of us had heard of that before, and she had clearly ordered a HOT chocolate!
Well, that funny story inspired me this week to make a frozen hot chocolate popsicle!  So thank you Katie and random barista!!

2 1/2 cups plain yogurt
2 packets of hot chocolate mix
1 tsp vanilla extract
2-3 drops peppermint essential oil or 1/4 tsp peppermint extract
Popsicle molds
Handful of small marshmallows if desired

1. Mix all ingredients in a food processor
2. Pour into popsicle molds
3. Freeze for at least 3 hours
4. Enjoy

Make sure you check out all the amazing ladies and their amazing recipes!!

Add YOUR own recipe to the link up!  (Also fee free to use the logo above on your blog!)

Tune in next week for some recipes with the key ingredient of peanut butter!!
