Daily Archives: October 26, 2016

Wild Workout Weight Loss

Hi there friends.
Whew, I have been contemplating writing a post like this for some time.  And to be honest, I am a bit nervous to say what I want to say.  And I hope it comes across in the way I want it to also!
A few weeks ago I wrote about an unfortunate experience I had with a doctor.  That experience along with many others over the past few years especially have made this topic more challenging for me to talk about.
Weight loss.  It is not an uncommon topic in the world, especially with healthy living bloggers.  I have read SO many inspiring stories about people finding a way to make changes in their life to lead to a healthier and happier self.  I have even shared inspirational stories here from real life friends and friends I have made on social media!

When I read stories or I am around others who have worked really hard and reached their goals, I am SO stinking proud of them and SO happy that they have made positive changes in their lives!
For years I would stare at myself in the mirror after dedicating myself to healthy eating and working out and wonder why my positive changes have not produced the same kind of results.  Doesn’t really seem fair does it?

Over the past few years I have been slowly learning to come to terms with my body and how for me it is not just going to be a formula of less intake and more energy out. I tortured myself for SO many years and no matter what I did, it never seemed to make much of a difference.  The only times I really lost any weight was done in SUPER unhealthy ways (I won’t even mention those ways because they were just painful).  When I went to treatment 8 years ago, I actually began to heal my relationship with food and my body.  It has been a LONG road, and I am still working on it, but I have come a LONG way!

{8 years ago when I was in a decent place before my thyroid went all whack on me}

I no longer look in the mirror and hate everything about myself.  There are things I actually like!  I have decided my goal is no longer to simply lose weight, but my goal is to fully love myself and have peace with my body, no matter where I am on my journey!
Yes, I am still making healthy eating choices, and I am still  that challenge my body to work hard and motivate change.

{Work in progress over the past 10 months}

I am also working with myself to heal my thyroid in a more natural way (and find a doctor who will actually work WITH me, not just throw meds at me).  For me, all the different medications I have tried didn’t improve anything, and actually caused MORE frustrations!  It is not an EASY process by any means, but I am 1000000% determined to do what I can for me!  That includes getting more sleep, continuing to drink more water, stay active, work on reducing the stress in my life (including removing certain relationships as needed), and continuing to feed myself whole, fresh foods!

I may not be where I want to be, but my new approach seems to be doing some good!
It is NOT about the numbers, but over the last 6 weeks I have been able to shrug off 26 lbs and 11 inches.  I will gently use numbers as a tool and guide that I am doing things that are beneficial for me!

To love me for me is my #1 goal!


I am linking up with Annmarie from The Fit Foodie Mama,  Michelle at Fruition Fitness, Nicole from Fitful Focus, and Jen from Pretty Little Grub! Come join the fun!
wildworkoutwednesday10912598_10152638558488785_954023868_nI am also joining Jill’s Living a Life of Fitness Health & Happiness Link up!

May you be filled with Joy and Health!