Chocolate Pumpkin Trifle 

Happy Friday friends!
Another week is coming to a close! We have ventured into a new month, and the beginning of several of my favorite holidays! This time of year seems to be filled non-stop with sweets, desserts, drinks and food galore!  Do not fret, this time of year can be enjoyed even with so many indulgences staring you in the face. This week we have designed some yummy treats to keep you on track this holiday season while still enjoying some treats!

I also have to say that I have been really enjoying working on some new recipes for you all! And it gets a little messy at times, but that is part of the fun!

I am linking up with Farrah from Fairyburger, Annmarie from the Fit Foodie Mama, and Jess from Hello to Fit for our healthy treats themed week!


Chocolate Pumpkin Trifle

{This recipe can be made into a single serving or for a group.  The ingredients are for 1 serving, so just increase accordingly for additional servings!}


Layer 1
1 pumpkin spice Chobani yogurt

Layer 2
1/4 cup quick oats, ground up
1/4 cup almond milk
1 Tbsp pumpkin
1 medjool date, pit removed
1 scoop Vital Proteins collagen peptides (optional for extra protein)

Layer 3
2 tbsp Organic pumpkin purée
1/2 TBS Cocoa powder
1 Medjool date, pit removed

Layer 4
EnjoyLife chocolate chips


  1. Mix ingredients for layer 2 in a blender, till smooth. Let sit about 5 min for ground oats to soak and become soft.
  2. Mix ingredients for layer 3 in a blender, till smooth.
  3. Layer 1/2 the ingredients in a cup or bowl, layer 1, layer 2, layer 3, layer 4, then repeat.
  4. May be stored in the fridge or served immediately.



Make sure you check out all the amazing ladies and their awesome mouthwatering recipes!!

Do you have an awesome recipe you’d love to share? Link up with us on Fridays for our weekly Foodie Friday posts! (Co-hosted by AnnmarieFarrah, Esther + Jess.)

  • Please link back to the co-hosts, and comment/share at least a couple other Foodie Friday posts! Don’t just leave your link and run away! :O
  • Please only link up recipe posts! :)

Thanks again for stopping by! Join us again next week for some spicy themed recipes!

May you be filled with joy and health!

15 thoughts on “Chocolate Pumpkin Trifle 

  1. Farrah

    I don’t think I’ve ever made trifle(?!) but this looks super good, and it’s still the perfect weather/season for pumpkin! :] Can’t go wrong with chocolate either!

  2. Pingback: A little dessert flashback | chocolate runner girl

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