Daily Archives: June 26, 2015

Foodie Friday: Chocolate Peanut Butter Smoothie

It was a super crazy week involving tornados, no power, the hubs car getting broken into, our anniversary and kiddos with hand, foot, mouth. Needless to say I needed some extra energy. When those kind of days and weeks happen I love to make smoothies to keep me going! 
I love using our key ingredient of the week: peanut butter!! 

I ’m linking up again with my favorite Foodie Friday ladies to share amazing recipes with y’all! Farrah from Fairyburger, Annmarie from the Fit Foodie Mama, Cassandra from Powered by BLING, and Emily from Whatever Floats Your Oats! 

Peanut Butter Chocolate Smoothie


1- banana 

1-2 cups almond milk

1/2 avocado

1 scoop chocolate protein powder (Vega is my fav)

1-2 TBS peanut butter



1. Place banana and 1 cup milk in blender. Mix well. 

2. Add avocado and blend well. 

3. Add 1 TBS peanut butter and protein powder. Blend. 

4. Add more milk or peanut butter for desired taste and consistency.

5. Enjoy! 

Make sure you check out all the amazing ladies and their amazing recipes!!

Farrah | blog | instagram | pinterest | twitter | bloglovin’

Annmarie | blog | facebook | instagram | pinterest | twitter | bloglovin’

Emily | blog | instagram | pinterest | twitter | bloglovin’

Cassandra | blog | facebook | instagram | pinterest | twitter | bloglovin’

Add YOUR own recipe to the link up! (Also feel free to use the logo above on your blog!)

Tune in next week for some recipes with the key ingredient of beans!!